I have worked as NYS Medicaid Auditor Investigator for over 30 years. I retired recently. And what has remained with me is distaste for the provider's abuse of Medicaid clients.
And believe this; they are for the most part abused, some directly others indirectly. People on Medicaid for the most part are used by unscrupulous providers as commodities -- as a means to the attainment of wealth.
The provider community is filled with many who want to pass themselves off as saintly -- providers of ”needed services to a vulnerable population". Maybe for a few it may be true, and to them we owe our gratitude and respect, but for many Medicaid is nothing more than a treasure chest filled with loot for swiping.
It is not Medicaid that needs to be curtailed; it's the abusers that need to be weeded out of the system.